Values & Principles


My Leadership Values & Traits and Leadership Principles

Blatantly adapted from USMC Values & Traits, and Leadership Principles


  • JUSTICE: I am fair and consistent.

  • JUDGEMENT: I think about things clearly, calmly, and in an orderly fashion so that I can make good decisions. 

  • DEPENDABILITY: I can be relied upon to perform my responsibilities properly.

  • INITIATIVE: I take appropriate action even if I haven’t been given direct instructions.

  • DECISIVENESS: I make good decisions without delay.

  • TACT: I deal with all people in a manner that will maintain good relations and avoid potential problems. 

  • INTEGRITY: I am honest and truthful in all I say and do.

  • ENTHUSIASM: I have a sincere interest and exuberance in my team and in the performance of my responsibilities.

  • BEARING: My manner reflects alertness, competence, confidence, and control.

  • UNSELFISHNESS: I avoid making myself comfortable at the expense of others.

  • COURAGE: I have the inner strength to stand up for what is right and to accept responsibility when something is my or my team’s fault.

  • KNOWLEDGE: I actively acquire all needed information to meet responsibilities and I understand my team and customer's perspectives.

  • LOYALTY:  I am devoted to my family, country, and company & teammates.

  • ENDURANCE: I have the mental and physical stamina to withstand fatigue, stress, long hours, and hardship.

  • KINDNESS: I treat others with grace and do unto them as I would like them to do to me.

  • I Know Myself and I Seek Self-Improvement

    I analyze myself objectively.

    I have definite goals and work to attain them.

    I capitalize on my strengths and strive to overcome my weaknesses.

  • I am Technically and Tactically Proficient

    I seek a well-rounded, continued education.

    I seek opportunities to practice skills.

    I keep abreast of current news and developments.

  • I Seek Responsibility and Take Responsibility for My Actions

    I take responsibility for obligations of which I am answerable.

    I have the courage of my convictions.

    I accept just criticism and admit mistakes.

  • I Make Sound and Timely Decisions

    I develop a logical and orderly thought process.

    If time and situation permits, I plan for every foreseen possible event.

    I announce decisions in time to permit team members to make necessary plans.

  • I Set the Example

    I maintain my bearing.

    I maintain an optimistic outlook.

    I master my emotions.

    I share both success and any hardship with my team.

  • I Know my Team and Look Out for Their Welfare

    I concern myself with the work/life balance of my team.

    I encourage individual development and self-improvement.

    I ensure that the channels of communication are kept open.

  • I Keep My Team Informed

    I explain why tasks must be done.

    I stop rumors by replacing them with the truth.

    I keep my team informed about current rules and policies.

  • I Develop a Sense of Responsibility in My Team

    I operate through the chain of command.

    I tell my team what to do, not how to do it.

    I accept honest errors without recrimination.

    I assign personnel to positions in accordance with their demonstrated or potential ability.

  • I Ensure that Tasks are Understood, Supervised, and Accomplished

    I encourage team members to seek immediate clarification of instructions they do not understand.

    I question my team to determine if there is a misunderstanding.

    I inspect progress periodically.

    I exercise care and thought in supervision.

  • I Train My Team as a Team

    I ensure training is meaningful and its purpose is clear to the entire team.

    I ensure that each manager knows and understands the members of their team.

    I explain to each person their importance in the effectiveness of team unity

  • I Employ My Team in Accordance with its Capabilities

    I ensure that any tasks assigned are reasonable.

    I assign tasks equitably among my team.

    I use the full capabilities of my team before requesting assistance