At Home

Where you know how to find the light switches in the dark…

Hi! My name is James Matthew Wall, and I go by my middle name, Matt. The stats: I’m 55, 5’10,” 175lbs, married, no kids (not counting fur babies). My pronouns are he/him/his, and I am a very lucky man.

Adopted at birth,  I grew up in the Last Best Place, Montana, with incredible parents and an almost Norman Rockwell-esque childhood.  And then life got even better.  After moving around for a while after college (first in Billings, MT, then Tucson, AZ, and Ashburn, VA), I ended up finding Austin, TX in 2007.   Though there are still a lot of gorgeous places left to visit, the ATX is home.

I have worked at great companies and gotten to do cool stuff with amazing people; what makes life worth living often happens after I shut the laptop off.   I am lucky to have a remarkable husband, two great dogs, and a fantastic home with enough projects to keep me (mostly) out of trouble.

While I love snowboarding, my happy place is anywhere with a beach, cold drinks, and lots of sunshine. My hobbies include playing keyboards and viola, home renovation, being lazy by the pool, playing with the pups, spending too much time on the PlayStation 5 (I am currently addicted to the Assassin’s Creed franchise), lousy TV, web dev, and generally geeking out.

I also have to point out that while I rocked the bowl cut as a kid and reached peak hair goodness during college, I have no issues with you now using my forehead to check your reflection!

“Would you like to know more?”

(Bonus points if you can name the movie quote!)

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